Christian believes that experiencing nature first-hand has the power to transform lives. He is a fully certified IFMGA/UIAGM Mountain Guide, professional photographer, public speaker, writer, community activist and founder of the Global Community Project (GCP), a non-profit organization that combines outdoor education, service learning, and cultural exchange for students and professionals.

The GCP created the very first sustainable trail building course to the rangers of Torres del Paine National Park in Chile. In 2008 he brought Jackson Hole high school students to Chilean Patagonia where they teamed up with local youths, researchers, and conservationists to work on trail building projects and participate in a study of the endangered huemul deer.

As a guide, Christian has led numerous expeditions to Patagonia, Aconcogua, Peru’s Cordillera Blanca, the Alps, South Africa, the Pyranees, the Atlas Mountains, Fiji, Alaska, and México. He has been featured skiing and climbing in numerous film, television and print articles, including two Warren Miller films (Journey and Impact).

Christian speaks fluent Spanish, French and Italian and is a certified AMGA/UIAGM Mountain Guide. He has a BA in Anthropology from UC Berkeley and an MA in Environment and Community from Antioch University in Seattle

Christian Santelices